Zeiss SL 130 Slit Lamp


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(1 customer review)

Zeiss SL 130 is the tool of choice for eye care professionals requiring a slit lamp using top notch optical quality and high-precision mechanisms to perform the complete selection of eye care processes.

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Zeiss SL 130 Slit Lamp is Premium optical quality with optimum performance

If you are an eye care professional, then you know and understand the value of having the best slit lamps for your day to day operations. Your success in coming up with the right diagnostics solely rely on what you will be seeing on the lamp, and this means that if the lamp misguides you, then you will not have very good results.

With the Zeiss SL 130 Slit Lamp, you have just the right tool you need the whole picture right for your optical examinations and for eye care procedures. The lamp boasts of high precision mechanics that guarantees premium optical quality while giving you the comfort, convenience, and versatility to operate.

Features of the Zeiss SL 130 Slit Lamp

  • Designed for easy operations

The ideal slit lamp should be easy to operate, with easily accessible and usable controls. It is through such that the operator finds it a breeze to work the controls and increase the chances of getting the optical images and videos right.

  • Symmetrically positioned Projector

The Zeiss SL 130 slit lamp boasts of symmetrically positioned projector controls which allow for the perfect support during various types of laser therapies. The system’s operations for this lamp is not just highly accurate, but also highly intuitive, allowing for easy and precise adjustments of the width, length, as well as the rotated slit image.

Better Ergonometrics

Using the lamp for the very first time will reveal to you that the designers did not forget about the ergonomics of the users. For instance, the design features the ACCENTO ergo tube. If you have any experience with this optical examination equipment, then you know that sometimes using such lamps may cause a lot of strain to the neck and the back.

However, with the Zeiss SL 130 Slit Lamp, this is not a matter of concern due to the comfortable support courtesy of the ACCENTO ergo tube. The lamp also comes with a convergent and a parallel tube so that the user can choose the one they prefer depending on what they are working on.

Convenient Imaging

The purpose of using slit lamps is to get very good optical images and videos, and it goes without saying that the preferred lamp should always have the ability to give very good imaging results. The Zeiss SL 130 slit lamp comes with the SL Imaging Module which makes it possible to have high-quality recordings of both images and videos – these may be necessary for documentation or for patient presentation or consultation.

It is also comforting to know that the Zeiss SL 130 has the SL 5.0 cam. The SL 5.0 cam is a highly compacted 5mpx camera that is fully integrated into the slit lamp. In addition to the SL imaging software integrated with the slit lamp, the Zeiss SL 130 has the ability to produce very high-resolution images and videos.

It also has functionalities such as image review and user-specific settings that allows for very smooth workflows during operation. You should know, however, that the imaging module is also available as an upgrade for current models that may not be having the feature.

Reference Library

Zeiss SL 130 Slit Lamp Brochure

1 review for Zeiss SL 130 Slit Lamp

  1. norwoodeyecare

    Zeiss SL 130 is the tool of choice for eye care professionals requiring a slit lamp using top notch optical quality

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